The month of August is filled with many interesting nationally recognized days. One of the healthiest must be August 28, which is national red wine day. Red wine, in moderation of course, provides a host of potentially health enhancing benefits. Red wine is very high in antioxidants, which can help prevent free radical damage and premature aging. These antioxidants have been shown to be beneficial to the cardiovascular system as well as protecting brain tissue and preventing free radical damage to the skin, which is one of the key factors to premature aging. Many people contact our center asking if they might be able to enjoy a glass of red wine in moderation if they suffer from systemic candidiasis or yeast overgrowth. The answer is a re-sounding yes! Since what we eat or drink in this case, does not cause a Candida overgrowth a glass of red wine a few times a week likely will outweigh the risks with the enhanced benefits. As with all things, moderation is the key. Where a glass or two of red wine a couple of times a week can be very beneficial, a bottle a day probably would not be so much. Everything we ingest in the human body is dose specific and everything, including water, can be overdosed with potentially unpleasant side effects. Human beings often crave excess in whatever they do so it’s not so much what we do, within reason, but maintaining moderation in what we do should be our biggest concern. Check our blog next week for information about the best candida cleansing.