Determining the Presence of Candidiasis
The following two tests will help you determine if yeast overgrowth is the likely cause of your problems. Further, it will help us determine whether your candidiasis is localized or has progressed to the much more harmful systemic phase.
This first part lists the most probable factors that can cause candida to explode out of control. It was developed at a leading alternative hospital. For every yes answer, circle the number of points given and add up the total number of points at the end of both tests, comparing your total with the conclusions given.
Test One
Have you taken a general antibiotic drug, even just once in the last 6 months? 6
Have you taken, at any time in your life, antibiotics for respiratory or urinary infections for longer than 2 months, or shorter courses (two weeks) more than three or four times? 35
Have you taken specific antibiotics for acne for 1 month or longer? 35
Have you ever suffered from vaginitis or prostatitis or suffered from other problems affecting your reproductive organs? 25
Have you been pregnant once? 3
Have you been pregnant more than once? 5
Have you ever taken steroid medications such as prednisone or other cortisone-type drugs? 20
Does exposure to strong smelling substances provoke or worsen your symptoms? 6
Are your symptoms worse on damp, moldy, muggy days or in damp, moldy places? 20
Have you ever had athlete’s foot, ring worm, ‘jock itch’ or any other chronic fungus infections of the skin or nails? 20
Does Tobacco smoke really bother you? 10
Total of this section __________
Test Two
Part One
In scoring this section of the test if the symptom is occasional or mild give 3 points, if frequent or moderately severe give 6 points, and if the symptom is severe and/or disabling score 9 points. If the symptom does not apply to you at all score a 0.
Fatigue or lethargy
Feeling of being ‘drained’
Poor memory
Feeling ‘spacey’ or ‘unreal’
Numbness, burning or tingling
Muscle aches
Muscle weakness
Pain and/or swelling in joints
Abdominal pain
Alternating constipation and diarrhea
Troublesome vaginal discharge
Persistent vaginal burning or itching
Loss of sexual desire
Cramps or other menstrual irregularities
Premenstrual tension
Spots in front of eyes
Erratic vision
Total Score for this Section: ____________
Part Two
Score these symptoms as follows; give one point if the symptom is mild or occurs occasionally, 2 points if it is frequent and 3 points if it is severe or disabling to your lifestyle. As before, score 0 if it does not apply at all.
Irritability or jitteriness
In coordination
Inability to concentrate
Frequent mood swings
Dizziness/loss of balance
Pressure above ears or tingling sensation
Skin rashes
Belching and intestinal gas
Mucus in stools
Dry mouth
Rash or blisters in mouth
Bad breath
Joint swelling or arthritis
Nasal congestion or discharge
Postnasal drip
Nasal itching
Sore or dry throat
Pain or tightness in chest
Wheezing or shortness of breath
Urgency or urinary frequency
Burning on urination
Failing vision
Burning or tearing of eyes
Recurrent infections or fluid in ears
Ear pain or deafness
Score for this section: ____________
Add up the grand total of all three tests and compare with the results below.
Scores of over 180 in women or 140 in men: Yeast-connected heath problems, likely systemic in nature are almost certainly present.
Scores of over 120 in women or 90 in men: Localized candidiasis is very likely.
Scores of over 60 in women or 40 in men: Yeast related problems are possibly, contributing to your overall problem.
Scores of less than 60 in women or 40 in men: Yeast problems are less likely to be at the cause of your symptoms.
Armed with the results of this very accurate test, you can determine the possible degree of yeast involvement in your health concerns.
Depending upon your score, you may wish to follow our six week flush, which is designed to destroy candida organisms throughout the body. At the end of the flush, we will re-implant the healthy acidophilus bacteria in the intestinal tract and complete the program.
The complete Program, which we have used with great success in completely eliminating chronic systemic yeast problems, is fully outlined in my booklet entitled, “Eliminating Yeast Infections & Systemic Candidiasis”.
The same formula we use may be available from your health care professional.
The Institute at 1-619-507-2113 for further information.
Disclaimer: These Tests and any computer survey, are not intended, and should not be used by consumers for self-diagnosis or self-treatment of any disease, ailment, or disorder. These tests are intended only to assist professional healthcare practitioners in conducting their own evaluations. These evaluations are not meant to replace the opinion or diagnosis of a professional healthcare practitioner. Consumers should consult their physician or health care practitioner for analysis thereof.
*Results may vary