Q: There seems to be so many different thoughts on how to eliminate yeast overgrowth. Are some better than others?

A: Well the confusion comes back to the fact that there are really two forms of candida overgrowth, localized and systemic. The majority of what is being recommended will address localized yeast overgrowth such as herbal extracts and high amounts of probiotics. Once systemic however we have a totally new situation that will not respond well to these methods and the candida will continue to grow.

Q: Many professionals recommend the use of probiotics but you are saying this is ineffective?

A: No not at all. What I have found after over 26 years is that while probiotics are essential in the long-term prevention of yeast overgrowth and candida, if the situation has become systemic there is little even the strongest probiotic will do since they act only in the intestines.

Q: Ok. I’ve got to ask: What about the infamous “Candida Diet”? It seems to be at the heart of every protocol for this situation.

A: Again, dietary changes can be of benefit in reducing symptoms and making an individual feel better physically but they will do little to actually eliminate the candida problem. Over the years I have heard from thousands of people who had been on these restrictive, unhealthy diets for weeks or even years and yet the first time they go off the diet and try to eat healthy again their symptoms return with a vengeance and the candida starts growing again.

Q: What about the “Ultimate Candida Diet”?

A: No!!! you don’t “eat” candida and what you avoid will not take it away!! If the standard American Diet caused candida overgrowth everyone in America would have the problem… and the don’t!! If someone has a long time candida problem we will often recommend that they avoid concentrated sugars and white flour products, not because the candida “feeds” on these foods but because high glycemic foods can have a negative effect on the immune system further hampering the body’s ability to manage this condition. Also we have observed, likely due to the immune connection, that the die off effects of detoxification can be more severe if high amounts of sugar-forming foods are consumed.

Q: So what do you recommend as dietary guidelines?

A: Avoid concentrated sugars and white flour products. Otherwise consume a normal healthy diet. We also recommend a Full Spectrum multi vitamin/mineral supplement that provides the 100+ nutrients the body needs on a daily basis. If the body has what it needs daily it is in the best position to address health challenges of all kinds.

Disclaimer: These Tests and any computer survey, are not intended, and should not be used by consumers for self-diagnosis or self-treatment of any disease, ailment, or disorder. These tests are intended only to assist professional healthcare practitioners in conducting their own evaluations. These evaluations are not meant to replace the opinion or diagnosis of a professional healthcare practitioner. Consumers should consult their physician or health care practitioner for analysis thereof.

*Results may vary