Yeast infections are common, especially among women. They can be localized such as in the vaginal area or they may become systemic throughout the body. If the candida organism does become systemic it has a metabolic-suppressing ability sufficient enough to make weight loss extremely difficult.

How do you get a systemic yeast infection? If any of these situations have been in your life you may wish to find out if you have a systemic yeast situation. Call my office at 1-888-454-8464 to discuss your situation with us. If you score over 150 on our test and you have been having difficulty losing weight or any of the many other symptoms of candida overgrowth, we can help your body to safely eliminate this organism through our all – natural program.

It is often said that candida is caused by our highly refined diet with overloads of sugar. While this type of diet can definitely cause many imbalances in the digestive system and can certainly make the symptoms of candida seem worse, there is no evidence that diet alone, actually causes a candida or yeast overgrowth. This may be seen by the fact that many people follow the so-called yeast diet, sometimes for months or even years only to have all their symptoms and discomfort return the day they go off that highly restricted eating program.

This problem is further compounded by the fact that there are really two separate health conditions caused by the same yeast organism. Localized yeast infections in the gut and vaginal areas can often be improved and even eliminated by taking strong probiotics and making key changes in the diet. Once the candida escapes the digestive system and becomes systemic these measures are all virtually ineffective simply because they cannot reach the areas where the yeast is now proliferating. This is why we now exclusively use only in oral form to eliminate yeast overgrowth no matter where it may be. Since oxygen goes to every cell the anaerobic nature of the yeast cannot survive. Check back soon for more information about the best candida diet.